Owning a piece of land or property has perhaps been the most demanded but difficult proposition for some time now in Kenya. This is partly due to the lack of trust between the two parties in real estate, vendor and purchaser. But now it’s very easy to own one greatly influenced by the gruesome need to own a home and partly due to the competitive nature of the business itself between the real estate Competitors.
Case study of the simplicity of owning a property has been typified by Ndatani Enterprises. An individual can now rapidly obtain and own an eighth of acre plot at Isinya by simply saving 1500 Kshs per day for a period of just 12 months. Importantly also one can be doing agro farming on the property like having a green house and growing spinach, onions and tomatoes among others which can help subsidize the payment as one continues to pay the balance.
The most prestigious advantage of this mode to the client is that by the time he/she completes paying for the plot it could have appreciated by more than 30% on the purchase price E.G by end of the one year a plot if 550,000 Kshs will be going for up-to 750,000 Kshs. What a way to invest and get instant gains instead of depositing your money in the bank for insignificant interests!
Come to Ndatani Enterprises for this and many other friendly deals as you maneuver your way to plot ownership.